Anemia is more dangerous than you think.

Friends, have you ever had this happen? Suddenly you feel easily tired, weak, and dizzy, often even though you’ve had enough sleep. But did you know that this may be the cause of anemia. That we may never have known before and is more dangerous than we think?
What is Anemia ?
Anemia is a condition in which the amount of red blood cells in the blood is less than normal, causing less oxygen (Oxygen) to be ufabet produced than normal. Resulting in the body There are abnormal symptoms, easily tired, fatigued. This condition is common. In general people, the symptoms may be more or less different, depending on The level of red blood cells in the body and the ability to adapt to anemia of each person
What causes anemia ?
The causes of anemia can be caused by many reasons, which can divided into the main causes as follows:
1. Less red blood cell production which has factors coming from
– malnutrition
receive nutrients that is incomplete, especially a deficiency of iron (Iron), vitamin B12 (Vitamin B12) or folic acid (Folic Acid)
– Chronic disease conditions
Some chronic diseases or treatment for chronic diseases May affect Making red blood cells, such as cancer, arthritis, rheumatoid, chronic kidney failure, HIV, immune system diseases, etc.
– Pregnancy
Anemia can occur with pregnant woman Especially during the first 6 months of pregnancy due to lack of nutrients such as iron (Iron) and folic acid (Folic Acid) as well as various changes in the blood.
– Diseases related to bone marrow
Have symptoms of bone disease such as bone marrow atrophy or cancer in the bone marrow. Attachment in the bone marrow, etc.
2. The destruction of red blood cells more than normal in the body is the result of infection or disease in the group that causes it. give red blood cells Breaks easier than usual Patients often have symptoms such as jaundice, yellow eyes, or jaundice.
– Thalassemia (Thalassemias) is a common hereditary disease.
– Abnormal red blood cell shape (Sickle Cell Anemia)
– Some infections such as malaria, clostidium, mycoplasma, etc.
3. Sudden blood loss, such as an accident, hemorrhage, postpartum blood loss, or gradual, chronic blood loss. which patients with chronic blood loss It often causes iron deficiency, followed by chronic blood loss, such as menstrual blood loss in women, gastrointestinal blood loss in men and menopausal women, etc.
If you have these symptoms You may be at risk for Anemia .
– loss of appetite
– Tired easily, fatigued
– The body is clearly pale yellow.
– Easily irritated, mood swings
– Difficulty breathing during exertion
– Drowsiness, dizziness
– Chest pain, heart palpitations
– If symptoms are severe, it may cause heart failure.
– If you have chronic symptoms You may experience symptoms of stomatitis at the corners of the mouth. The nails are weak and flat or the nails are raised and have a puddle in the middle, similar to a spoon.
I don’t want to have What should I do?
– Choose to eat Foods rich in iron (Iron), vitamins (Vitamin) and nutrients such as meat, pork liver, milk, eggs, pig blood, grains.
– Take vitamin supplements By seeking expert advice for those who do not receive enough nutrients from their diet.
– Drink enough water per day.
– People who are pregnant Should eat that are useful and rich in folic acid (Folic Acid) and iron (Iron) such as fish, lean red meat, eggs, beans and green leafy vegetables to prevent anemia and may take vitamin supplements to help treat red blood cell level to be within normal limits which should be consulted medical specialist Always before recommending the taking of vitamins or any dietary supplements.
– People with a history Anyone in the family. You should consult a doctor. to prevent risk genetic transmission