Take good care of your health, but why do you still get sick?

Internal factors that must be emphasized and understood
The secret to good health is often caused by many factors. This internal factor is caused by the nature of the body or “genetics” that works abnormally. This may be an inheritance that has been passed down from grandparents. and may show symptoms as we get older or when the body is weak And basic factors such as gender, age, and race also play an important role in determining our health. Such as liver cancer, which is more likely to occur in men than women, breast cancer, and cervical cancer.
That only happens to women. Therefore, we should always observe the nature of our own bodies. and the risk of illness from internal factors that may always occur You should take care of eating food. Exercise and check your health regularly in order to prepare to deal with it in a timely manner. It will help protect. and reduce the risk of disease occurrence to a certain extent
External factors that just adjust to suit your life can change.
Just by adjusting your behavior easily, you can have better health because external factors such as daily life can affect our long-term health as well. But most of ยูฟ่าเบท the time, people tend to think only about negative behaviors such as drinking, smoking, or even eating unhealthy foods. And few people are aware of the opposite side. That taking care of yourself too well is to the extreme. It can also be a source of illness. Like a person with kidney disease who often have the belief that In addition to avoiding salty foods,
You should take care eating nutritious foods. Especially vegetables and fruits that beneficial.
But sometimes the more you eat, the sicker you get. That’s because it’s not a vegetable. And all kinds of fruits that people with this disease can eat, such as spinach, mushrooms, and bananas that are high in potassium. It can be dangerous if consumed without caution. or exercise in people with heart disease which is considered a good thing And it is absolutely necessary, but if you overdo it or use the wrong method, it can cause more harm than good as well.
Therefore, you should choose appropriate exercise. and under the advice of a doctor or sports scientists, taking good care of our health with external factors that we can control ourselves Therefore, it should be in a moderate and appropriate way. Excessive behavior does not mean satisfactory results every time. If we can find a balance in taking care of our own health, it will help reduce exposure to disease. and illness symptoms as well
Another secret to having good health in the long run is In addition to taking care of your health and body to be strong and strong. We must not forget to take care of our own health, mind, and emotional state because the body and mind are related. Good thoughts will bring good health, a strong heart, and a clear, refreshed brain. When we are happy, the body releases four neurotransmitters to relieve stress. and makes us more refreshed,
Endorphin (Endorphin) the hormone of happiness secreted from the submental area of the brain. It is like natural morphine from the body. Which helps us relax and helps reduce muscle pain very well Which hormones can be created easily by doing things you like. Or exercising for about 20 minutes or more will help stimulate the secretion of endorphins better.
Dopamine, the hormone of satisfaction, love, and feeling good.
which is related to the functioning of the nervous system and brain Movement, memory and learning exercise And eating foods that contain adequate amino acids and protein, such as meat, eggs, milk, and nuts, will also help increase the efficiency of this hormone.
Serotonin (Serotonin), an important anti-stress hormone. Helps with mood, behavior, sleep, eating foods that contain protein. and adequate amino acids It helps in the functioning of hormones. Makes us feel energized Can reduce depression
Oxytocin, the hormone of love that makes us feel good. Work related to ideas and our most various feelings Found in more women than men. And because it is a hormone related to bonding Therefore it is created easily from hugging, touching, or having sex.
Food is also important.
Healthy dish, formula 2 : 1 : 1, has just the right amount of energy. Complete nutrition means that in 1 plate there should be a ratio of vegetable groups in the amount of half the plate or about 2 ladles per meal, rice or flour groups in the amount of ¼ of the plate or about 1 ladle, meat groups in the amount of ¼ or about 1 ladle.
Reduce sweet, oily, and salty for good health in the long run. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar It is one of the causes of many health problems. Choose less sweet. or not adding sugar more often Or look for products with the Healthy Choice symbol to ensure that they have the right amount of sugar. Pass the nutritional criteria
Cook your own food Increase confidence that every meal is hygienic
and can fully enhance the benefits Emphasis on cooking methods of boiling, blanching, steaming, and grilling instead of frying that uses a lot of oil. Seasoned with naturally fermented soy sauce. For delicious, palatable, and safe food
Increase dietary fiber to help expel waste from the body such as vegetables, fruits, and cereal drinks. and whole grains or whole grain cereal Dietary fiber helps in reducing cholesterol levels. and blood sugar Helps absorb toxins and speed up the time for excretion Therefore helping to reduce the chance of getting sick.
Calcium supplement Slow down the deterioration of the body structure
With dairy products that are high in calcium or chocolate malt drinks. that contains milk for children. Choosing milk that contains beneficial microorganisms. This is another secret that can help strengthen the body’s immune system.