The Daily Mail reports that there are many players and coaches in the Premier League. They disagreed with executives’ agreement to order competition to continue amid the coronavirus pandemic.

last monday During a meeting between 20 Premier League clubs As a result, there was a resolution to allow the game during the Christmas season. continue according to the original plan Despite calls for a temporary postponement as the number of clubs’ cases of coronavirus has risen dramatically. Until having to postpone the match up to 9 matches, it is
believed that the financial impact is an important factor causing the order to kick as usual, contrary to the needs of players and coaches. Because of the money during the Christmas season significantly higher than the normal range
However, the report states that There are many players and coaches who disagree with the board meeting. Because they think that pausing the game will prevent them from taking more health and safety risks.
From the aforementioned order, many people look at Their health is at risk every day. because of the increasing number of cases Each club understands this very well.
Some clubs have taken the players’ opinions to demand a temporary break in the season. By citing the interests of the safety of the players as important. But in the end, most of the consensus is to keep it going.
This week, the Premier League will have two more teleconferences, which will be the manager’s round. And another round belongs to team captains and senior players from all 20 clubs.According to a report from ufabet.